Is this the toughest thing you've ever done, or is it just me?

I’m putting off building right now, but this is the most insane thing I’ve ever committed to. I’ll get there eventually. The obstacles never go away. It felt like Sisyphus on the hill. I’m confident we’ll succeed.

I would suggest segmenting the job into manageable, smaller segments or activities. Should it be too large, you ought to divide it even more. Next, set priorities and begin distributing the smaller parts. You will get a rush of dopamine as you check the boxes.

To combat procrastination, you must sense the link between the work you are performing and the desired result.

:muscle: Best of luck, you can succeed!

It’s not that we build SaaS because it’s simple. We built SaaS because we believed it would be simple.

Try to concentrate more on the stairs leading to the next floor and less on the entire skyscraper. or even on what comes next. When I’m feeling stressed, this picture always makes things better.

Isn’t that the purpose of it?

That’s actually my perspective on it.

I’ve visited there several times. Sit back and let the time pass, rather than pushing yourself to ‘get things done’ all the time.

Even if you know you could ship two more features that will increase your MRR, consider taking a day off. The human body and mind are simply not designed that way. Resetting it is more common than we realize.

One strategy I’ve found effective is to collaborate with a friend on the project.