Black, cisgender, Catholic, junior in high school majoring in business
Make important to check the exact scholarships that the colleges you are seeking to offer when submitting your college application. To try to close the financial gap, some universities provide extraordinarily special scholarships to members of particular races.
Pay attention to scholarships offered by historically black sororities. Check for scholarships offered by Alpha Kappa Alpha, for instance, through the local chapters. Giving back to the community is very important to them, and as a result, they frequently award scholarships to high school students to be used towards college expenses. Delta Sigma Theta is the same! Although they’re not large scholarships, they could be helpful.
To be honest, I haven’t had much luck with minority-based scholarship applications, but that might just be because of where I live. Merit scholarships have given me a lot more luck, and the more obscure and local the scholarship, the better.