Chrome extensions are often undervalued in the SaaS industry because they generally don’t generate significant revenue or offer substantial user benefits.
However, that’s not always the case.
I’ve created an extension called Promptify. It allows users to store custom ChatGPT prompts, organize them by category, and access a large directory of pre-made prompts to enhance interactions with language models. Prompts can be copied with a single click and pasted into your preferred LLM.
Currently, the extension is free and has 53 users.
Do you think monetizing the extension at a low cost would be a good idea?
Would you be willing to pay for it?
I’m open to any suggestions or feedback you might have.
If you want the link to the extension, send me a DM on X. I’ve also added an update with minor bug fixes that will be live soon.
I’ll experiment with it. Till I do, I can’t remark on salary. My instinct tells me you should charge for more complex capabilities (such keeping API tokens to enable prompts on non-AI websites), but you should charge far more than $3.99 for basic features.
The true query is, rather than merely searching Google for prompts, would you rather pay that much each month?
If I could save my often used custom prompts, I would pay for that privilege.
Rather than squandering time on Google, I would classify and utilize preset prompts if there was a technique to see them that were very excellent.
Why not simply charge $3.99 for the premium functionality and keep the basic features free?
There are only two features, though.
personalized prompt archiving with fast copy capability
ready-made cues
Do you not believe it would be wise to simply create a professional version?
I would assume so. However, I believe that the only solution that will actually generate revenue is a directory or service that costs users like you $3.99 in exchange for 100,000 views per month for your AI tool.
The reason for this is the widespread availability of million-dollar models by big corporations and organizations for free or fractions of a cent, on which tiny developers only create a wrapper. The availability of arbitrary AI technologies has skyrocketed.
Though maybe offer it for free at first to let customers see its worth before adding paid features, I wouldn’t.